Benefits of Watermelon Juice


Watermelon Cucumber Juice is the first step towards my end of summer denial. AND IT’S SO GOOD! Besides quenching your thirst, watermelon is a nutrient-rich natural diuretic. It rids of bloating from the high-water content and provides nourishing nutrients like Vitamin A and Vitamin C and B-complex compounds such as thiamin, riboflavin, and pyridoxine as well as cancer-fighting lycopene. Watermelons are known to be super cleansing and alkalizing. They help flush everything out! Cayenne pepper revs up your metabolism and helps burn a few extra calories. The seeds of the fruit offer a wealth of nutrients as well, and should not be overlooked! Because watermelon is so nutrient-rich, it’s a great juice for fasting, cleansing, and weight loss. Watermelon provides a rich resource of electrolytes and is void of cholesterol and nearly absent of fat while offering a modest amount of fiber and protein, and as little as 48 calories per cup!

Watermelon Cucumber Juice Benefits

  1. Watermelons afford a wealth of beta-carotene, as well as folate, pantothenic acid, the amino acid citrulline, and antioxidants lycopene, cryptoxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin.
  2. They also contain anti-inflammatory phenolic compounds, which include both lycopene and triterpenoid
  3. They’re plentiful in the minerals potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and copper, with trace amounts of selenium, iron and even calcium.
  4. It’s Low in Sodium and High in Potassium, so great for kidney cleanse.
  5. It contains Glutathione which is good for liver cleansing.
  6. Cucumber is high in Water content, Nutrients & low in calories.
  7. It’s high in dietary fiberwhich means more roughage goes in the body, hence keeps your colon clean – so perfect for Colon Diet.

Watermelon Cucumber Juice Recipe

  • 2 Cup Watermelon – peeled, chopped *
  • 1 Cup Cucumber – Peeled or unpeeled as per choice
  • 1 Tbsp Lime Juice
  • 6-7 Fresh Mint Leaves (optional)
  • 1 Cup Ice

How to Make Watermelon Cucumber Juice:

  1. Add all the ingredients in a blender and pulse to a smooth consistency.
  2. Optional – Sieve this mixture into a big bowl in case you want to remove any mint leave/cucumber peel from the detox smoothie.
  3. Pour in tall glasses and garnish with a slice of lime and mint.
  4. Serve Enjoy.


Juice can be refrigerated for up to 3 days.

Author: Martha Stewart Watermelon Juice Recipe



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