Best Exercises Which Can Be Done During Pregnancy

Exercises to do during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases of every women’s life. You may have a lot of questions when it comes to exercise during pregnancy. Physical exercise retains fitness and the overall health of the body. Exercise helps in minimizing discomfort during pregnancy and prepares you for labor pain. It is safe to do exercise during pregnancy and even in most of cases, it is recommended by doctors. However this time you are not exercising for losing weight, but yes it will likely help you in weight loss after delivery. Exercise during pregnancy works wonder for mother as well as baby if it’s done properly. Exercise will never result in miscarriage in the case of normal pregnancy. So, what are all exercises you can do? Let’s see.

Keep Moving

Even if you were not in a habit of doing exercise before pregnancy, a short walk is a great way to begin. It will allow cardiovascular workout without giving stress to your knees and ankles. And this exercise can be done anytime, anywhere in the complete duration of 9 months.
As time passes, your baby will grow, which will change the center of gravity of your body. Losing a sense of coordination is common in such cases. Choose a smooth path for a walk and avoid rocks, holes, and other obstacles on the way.


It is the best exercise during pregnancy and there are very few chances of falling and injury. Swimming in water never pressurizes your joints, hence you can swim even in the ninth month of your pregnancy. Swim, walk, or dance in the water. But yes it is necessary to choose a comfortable stroke of swimming, which will not hurt any of your body parts. Choose breaststroke as it avoids rotation of your belly. Be careful while entering the pool, hold the railing for balance. Never choose warm pools or steam rooms for avoiding the possibility of overheating.



Yoga gives strength to muscles, relieves from back pain, and gives you relaxation and as per the research, it helps in reducing labor pain. Choose a yoga class that emphasizes relaxation. After the first trimester, avoid exercises that give stress to your back. If you have any issues while exercising consult your fitness expert.


Stationary Cycle

It is safe to do indoor cycling, even if you have just started the exercise program. It is a good way to accelerate your heart rate without giving stress to your joints. With the growth of your belly, you can adjust the handlebar of cycle for more comfort.

Weight Lifting

Shape your body before and after giving birth to a baby through lightweight exercises. If you were in a habit of lifting a weight before pregnancy, it is possible to follow the same routine during pregnancy, as long as you are feeling comfortable.


Meditation is one of the best ways to keep your mind and body healthy. It helps to connect with the inner self and helps to achieve a certain level of consciousness if it has done in a proper manner. Sometimes during pregnancy many women experience mood swings mediation helps to deal properly deal with and it helps to ignite positive energy in the body. So doing meditation regularly for at least 20 to 25 minutes helps to rejuvenate the overall mind and body.

Also Read: Role of Meditation to manage stress and anxiety during a COVID 19 Pandemic

Precautions to take while Doing Exercise During Pregnancy

Exercise during pregnancy is good but need to take some necessary precautions as mentioned below

Take proper care when you do exercises where you may lose your balance like cycling, horse riding etc

Avoid doing exercises beyond 45 minutes at a time

If You feel too much fatigue or some unusual symptoms stop exercising immediately and contact your doctor

Try to avoid exercises at high altitude.

Avoid sports where there is a risk of being hit like judo, karate, kickboxing, football, squash etc.

Bottom Line

It is good to do exercise at any stage of life. All the above-mentioned exercises are safe to do in pregnancy. But yes it is necessary to consult with the doctor before starting any exercise in pregnancy. Never continue with exercise if it is giving any kind of stress to your body.

So are you ready to do exercise in pregnancy? Do it, it’s safe.


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